Hi guys,
Welcome back to my blog! This evening I will be talking about game design. When I think about making my own game I sort of freak out a little as I have no idea what I am doing. I am not great at drawing and I am useless at directions so if I had to sit down and write out exactly how my game was suppose to go you'd probably laugh at how bad it would be!
After I read the article I was interested to keep reading more of the articles that Shaun had linked for us. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever really consider game designers to be artist. When I think of artists I think of Leonardo Da Vinci and Vincent Van Gogh, not game designers!
From playing games myself especially now on my phone I think it is so important to make sure the game works, there is so many games out there that crash and have viruses so when making a game my one priority would to make sure that it was perfect before release.
When I think of playing games I think they should all have a story behind them, whether its collecting coins to unlock the amazing castle at the end or whether its killing people to gain more points, its pretty important to have a purpose for the game and not to be playing something where you run around in circles for hours on end for the craic!
Now that I look back on the readings and also looking and reading through the internet about game designers they really do have a big job as of course everyone likes to play some form of games, the designers need to make sure its entertaining, has characters, has a story line, that is has a map or different scenarios, user interaction and a method whether you win or lose while playing the game.
These are some of the other internet articles I read.
Game Designer- The Reveiling of Phenomenon or Who is a Game Designer ↓
What is a Video Game Designer? http://www.animationarena.com/what-is-a-video-game-designer.html
So Your Going To Make A Game For The Very First Time? https://gamasutra.com/blogs/LewisPulsipher/20110516/7453/So_Youre_Going_To_Make_A_Game_For_The_Very_First_Time.php
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