Hi Guys,
Welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about an article I read http://mud.co.uk/richard/hcds.htm.
In this article I learnt about MUD, "MUD" is a multi player real-time virtual world that is text based. Mud combine five different elements such as hack and slash, player versus player, role playing game, online chat and interactive fiction. In this article I also learnt about the history of MUD and the different games that used MUD years ago.
In this article Richard Bartle divides players into four categories.
- The first category is Achievers V Achievers: What he means by this is achievers are very competitive, sometimes its in a friendly nature but it can be very cut throat. They want to master the game and take pride in their process.
- The second category is Achievers V Explorers: Achievers tend to say that explorers are losers, they say this because some of these people tinker with the game mechanics because they can't cut it as a player. Explorers would disagree as they will seek out new areas to visit.
- The third category is Achievers v Socialisers: Achievers tolerate socialisers. They interact with other players and have many friends.
- The fourth category is Achievers V Killers: Achievers don't like killers, they think killers as a concept as necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile. Killers like to take action, they are dominating and take pride of there reputation.
Its a very good idea to know what kind of players each of them are, this is why each element is fun.
The second article I read was https://users.cs.northwestern.edu/~hunicke/MDA.pdf
When I read this article the dynamics and mechanics really stood out to me as I always forget about the tiny details that are important within a game. Mechanics are the rules of the game, these rules operate from actions and mechanics. Dynamics are the challenges which are created within a game.
Mechanics and Dynamics in a game is so important for the designer, this is so the designers know the target audience.
Overall I really enjoyed this weeks readings as I learnt different things that could be applied into my game.
Until next time guys, thanks for reading!

Hi liz!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! It was really interesting to read about what you liked about our readings for this week!
really enjoying your blog keep up the amazing work!
Good luck!
jen :)