Morning Guys,
Welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about game stories from two different articles I have read. The first article was called Into The Woods: A Practical Guide To The Hero Journey. By Bob Bates.
In this article Bob Bates explains to us how a hero's journey is very important within a game as myths are important, he explains that myths convey the values of society, they teach us who we are and how we should behave, they are a guide for our actions, they aren't just dusty old books. Myths are influenced by Moral Values, Mysteries of Life and Death, Communities and Personal Identity. Bob goes on to explain that myths are wired into all of us, they drive humanity to carry on because without them we would easily fall into madness causing us to suffer from depression and other mental illnesses.
I found this article to be very interesting, I liked how he compared our myths to the myths within a game and he referenced lots of different books and articles that would we would know to make us understand the true meaning of myths.
Another article I read was What Every Game Developer Needs to Know about Story by John Sutherland. He explains that every story every made is "a universal human experience". He explains that a form of a story is not just a new toy and particular form of stories differ from all previous forms of story that have things in common.
Characters have a huge influence on the direction which a story will go and this should embody the premise of a storyteller. He explains about classical stories and how they are simple but yet effective.
Okay guys, hope you enjoyed reading my post today.
Chat soon!
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