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Showing posts from October, 2019

Game Design Document

Hi Guys, Welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about my game design document. I use Dunroc to build a basic document which you can view  here . For my Game Design Document I am going to focus on the important parts of the game. First one is Story. The story behind the game is the most important part as you can't have a game without a story line. My story is about the player, they can create their own character and build their city to what ever way they want too. They have to do certain tasks everyday to earn money to buy things. My game will be a single player game. The aim of the game is to gain experience, unlock different levels and build an empire.  Second one is Characters . The player can have multiple characters if they would like, its all up to them. They can design what the character is going to look like too from their clothing to body type to hair style. Everything! I want the player to have fun creating there own world. Each character wi...

Unity Tutorial 5

Hi Guys, Welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about unity again.  This week we started to add in UL elements into the game. We learnt how to add text and how to change the colour of text which I found really cool. Jimmy Vegas was then explaining how to add sound using the #c script. To be honest, i'm slowly getting there, I did find it difficult but I'm slowly getting the hang of it! (Thank god).  I found this tutorial probably the most interesting out of all of them as we started adding in different objects such as fences and walls and learning how to create things such as weapons.  Even though these tutorials are hard to concentrate on, they are really helping me to understand how unity works and its giving me an image of what way my game will look like at the end of the process.  I am now (kinda) looking forward to starting my game. I know from Shaun's feedback that he gave me last week that I may struggle but I am really hoping to g...

Games GDD

Hi Guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I will be talking about Game GDD. Game GDD is "Game Design Document" . The first article I read was  Design Considerations . I found this article very interesting as he talked about features my game might need. Components: In the article he explains that the design of components can go a long way, this means they can determine how much of a game is enjoyed which is very important as nobody would play a game if they didn't enjoy it. The Box: The box is a very important part as its all about the design on the cover of the game. The box has to look inviting to a consumer to make them want to buy it. Its all about first impressions.  Cards: This function does not apply to my game as I will not be adding the use of cards.  Theme:  The theme has to work within the game and should work with the rules rathe...

My Game Vision Statement

Hi Guys, Welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about the vision of my game and what I want it to look like when I have completed this assignment.  In my game I want to to be real life, as in you create as many characters as you want and create the life they are going to live. You can create their personality, control their behavior, build their friendship and relationships with other characters that you have created.  This game is not about winning really, its more how the player can develop their characters to the way they want. They can build houses, the houses everyone imagines that they would like to live in.  This game will take place in their own virtual land much like the sims in like.  When I looked up different things on google I came across this link  which helped me understand what it is going to take to make this virtual world on unity...

Unity Tutorial 3

Hi Guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I have been learning more about Unity and making game objects. Today we learnt how to create a working clock which is pretty cool as I've never created anything like this anymore.  I found the instructions so much better this week as personally for me I find it easier to read what I have to do rather then listen to someone, I think that's why I had such a problem with the last tutorial.  I did however run into a bit of difficulty today as my script would not run for me. As you can see below in my screenshots I had the right code and was following the instructions. (Screenshots of my unity)  What I have learnt from today's tutitoral is that I am getting better at unity. Not complete miracles but I will get there at my own speed and I am happy with my progress. Speak soon. -EH

Game MDA

Hi Guys,  Welcome back to my blog! Today I will be talking about MDA.  What is MDA you ask? Well I hadn't a clue before doing today's reading which I found very interesting. I found this weeks reading very hard to get stuck into as it was a video but in the end I got there! M= Mechanics D= Dynamics  A= Aesthetics Mechanics are the rules of video games. Every single video game ever made has to have rules as that is what makes a game operate and function properly.  Dynamics is how the rules come into motion when you are playing the game.  Aesthetics is a very very important part of a game. These are not visual elements but they are about the players experience such as is the game "fun, boring, interesting" etc.  In this article they talk about what is "fun". When I think of something "fun" I think about laughter, being happy, being active but from this reading I've learnt there is so many different types of ...

This Week's Feedback Strategies

Hi Guys,  Welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking again about feedback. I have read two articles about different feedback strategies that I would like to share with you.  The first article I have read is The Trouble With The Word "Amazing"   I found this article very interesting as I myself am one for saying something is amazing when it really isn't. It seems to be a word that a lot of us use to praise someone for something they have done rather than actually giving the right feedback. The author Jennifer Gonzalez is right when she says that she can never understand why people say something is amazing when its not. In the last paragraph of the article she mentions about her gym teacher is giving positive feedback but not telling her that she is amazing as her gym teacher wants her to improve which personally I think is better feedback then saying "your doing amazing" when she wasn't.

Game Idea Research

Hi Guys, Welcome back to my blog, in today's post I will be talking about the game I am going to do for this assignment. I have decided to go with a virtual world just like The Sims or Second Life. First off I had to google what "game mechanics" meant. After doing a bit of research I now know what it means. The first game mechanic I will have in my game is the journey that each character will go on through-out the game. Whether it is relationships, friendships, enjoying their own company I want the player to go on a journey within the game and make up there ideal world that they would like to live in. The second game mechanic I will have in my game is rewards/levels/progression . By building your own virtual world you will be able to progress by hitting certain mile stones within the game. I think this is important in a game as it gives the player a sense of achievement. The third game mechanic I will have in my game is emotions/feelings/discovery . By ha...

Unity Tutorial 02

Hi Guys,  Welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about the second Unity tutorial.  I'm not going to lie to you guys I can't get the hang of this Unity, I even went back to week 3 to watch the videos all over again as I just can't get the hang of it. The more I tried to understand it the more frustrated I got.  I know week 4 tutorial is all about C# and it should be easy as we are use to coding but its not. I have zero idea what is going on.  Going back to week 3 and starting all over again (I know putting more pressure on myself but I really wanted to make it work) I was slowly getting there until I had to add the gem. The tutorials that we are watching are from 2017 and the software we have is 2018 so i'm finding it hard to find what Jimmy Vegas wants us to do.  I downloaded Microsoft Visual Studio like he said to do. Unfortunately it is still not working for.  Adding textures like the water and the grass is the easy part I...

Gaming Elements That I Like.

Hi Guys, Welcome back to my blog, in today's blog post I will be talking about Game Elements.  When I think about game elements I always think about player & rules but I never quite thought about the objectives behind it.  Players :  A game isn't a game without having at least one player right? You could even have 10 players if you wanted to. When I think of the game I would like to develop I would like it to 1-6 players, that means you could play it on your own or you could connect with other people and play the game together.  There is all different types of games that have different types of players such as: 1 player v's the computer system. These types of games are great especially when your testing your own mind. Examples of these types of game would be Solitaire, Piano Online, Hill Racing Cart, Mindsweeper etc. There is website online that has thousands of different 1 player games. r Head-to...

My First Game Brainstorm. Hi Guys, Welcome back to my blog, in today's blog post I will be telling you guys about my ideas for my video game. When I think about making a game I think it needs to be a game that everyone will enjoy. After having a look around the internet I know have a good idea of what my four possible games could be. Game 1:  For my first game I would like it to be similar to The Sims 4. The Sim was first released back in 2000. It has many different versions of the game which has made this game the "best selling video game series of all time".  . I have always like the idea of being able to build your own imaginary life on a video game, from personalizing your characters, to building your own houses/business, to earning money, to having relationships/friendships within this video world. I would ...

Thoughts on Feedback Instead Of Grades

Hi Guys, Today I will be writing my blog post on my thoughts about feedback. I have read two artciles to do with feedback. The first article I read was " Why rejection hurts so much and what do about it" - . I found this article so interesting as it has made me more aware of what I have been feeling and I didn't even realize what was causing it. What I have learnt is that our brains are wired to respond in this, the feeling of wanting to be accepted in society. As a person I am so hard on myself as I always want to be the best I can be but by doing that I try to hard and when i'm left rejected I feel horrible about myself which is not good for my self esteem. What I have learnt from this is that everyone is going to be rejected in life but its about how you overcome this rejection and how you can deal with it. The second ar...

Unity Tutorial 1

Hi everyone, Welcome back to my blog, this evening I will be talking about Unity Tutorial's. Honestly I was clueless watching these tutorials as gaming really isn't my thing but from watching Jimmy Vagas i finally (kind of) understood what the hell was going onπŸ˜… When I downloaded unity and started to listen and do step by step with Jimmy I started to feel like I was getting somewhere. Don't get me wrong i'm still absolutely shocking at it but I will get there ( eventually ) . first attempt of trying Unity(shocking I know)πŸ˜‚  To navigate  the game was the easy part but I really did struggle with the rest. When Jimmy talked about using the F key on the keyboard to focus  on the object better it was a great help as for someone on a laptop with no external mouse it can be difficult without that handy tip. The more I played around with each of the features Jimmy was telling us about the better I began to a little bit better. I am excited to learn more and to ...

What Is Game Design?? Haven't a Clue!

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog! This evening I will be talking about game design. When I think about making my own game I sort of freak out a little as I have no idea what I am doing. I am not great at drawing and I am useless at directions so if I had to sit down and write out exactly how my game was suppose to go you'd probably laugh at how bad it would be! Anyway....  After I read the article I was interested to keep reading more of the articles that Shaun had linked for us. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever really consider game designers to be artist. When I think of artists I think of Leonardo Da Vinci and Vincent Van Gogh, not game designers!  From playing games myself especially now on my phone I think it is so important to make sure the game works, there is so many games out there that crash and have viruses so when making a game my one priority would to make sure that it was perfect before release.  When I think of playing games I think ...